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HomeAstronomy and SpaceAstronomyWormholes Could Hold Key to Solving Mystery of Universe's Accelerated Expansion

Wormholes Could Hold Key to Solving Mystery of Universe’s Accelerated Expansion

The universe is vast and mysterious, constantly expanding. For decades, scientists have been intrigued by an invisible, elusive force accelerating this expansion: dark energy. A new study proposes a bold solution: wormholes might be the key to this cosmological enigma.

Dark energy, an invisible repulsive force, constitutes about 70% of the observable universe. It’s believed to be responsible for the universe’s accelerating expansion, a phenomenon discovered through supernova observations in 1998. Current models suggest dark energy might be represented by a cosmological constant, a form of vacuum energy permeating the cosmos. Despite its ubiquity, dark energy’s exact nature remains a profound mystery.

Understanding how and why dark energy functions is a major cosmological puzzle. Theories abound, but none offer a satisfactory explanation. A recent study in Physical Review D suggests wormholes, hypothetical tunnels in spacetime, could provide a solution. Theorized by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen in 1935 as bridges connecting spacetime points, wormholes might explain dark energy’s impact on the universe’s expansion.

The study, led by an international physics team, proposes that wormholes could allow dark energy to “flow” between universe regions, creating the observed acceleration. This hypothesis is based on complex mathematical models and advanced computer simulations.

Microscopic wormholes, constantly forming and decaying in spacetime’s quantum foam, might play a crucial role in the universe’s expansion. According to the study, these wormholes could alter spacetime topology, influencing gravity’s field equations. By adding a specific term to the gravitational action, researchers found that wormhole density could generate an effective cosmological constant. This varying constant might explain dark energy and its impact on accelerated expansion.

In essence, dark energy could result from complex topological interactions at the subatomic level, where microscopic wormholes modify spacetime structure. This offers a new perspective on dark energy, suggesting its potential link to the universe’s fundamental nature and quantum gravity.

Broad Implications for a Strong Hypothesis

If wormholes exist and influence the universe’s expansion, new exploration and study methods would emerge. Stylianos Tsilioukas, a doctoral student at the University of Thessaly and the National Observatory of Athens, and a study co-author, told Live Science, “Although our result was derived based on Euclidean quantum gravity, it is likely that our modification could apply to other theories of quantum gravity.”

Wormhole research is flourishing. Recent quantum computer experiments have simulated various dynamic wormhole models, providing insights into their potential behavior. These advancements allow scientists to virtually, and theoretically, explore previously inaccessible physics aspects.

The research team demonstrated that their dark energy model surpasses the standard cosmological theory, which posits a time-independent energy density for dark energy, in terms of observational data.

“According to our proposal, dark energy can change over time,” Tsilioukas adds. “This is a significant advantage, as recent observations suggest the universe’s expansion rate differs today compared to the early universe.”

However, some experts criticize this hypothesis, citing technical and conceptual challenges. Wormholes require exotic conditions, like negative-energy matter, yet unobserved. Nonetheless, the idea that wormholes could solve the dark energy enigma pushes cosmological boundaries and inspires new research directions. Physicists continue to explore these concepts with enthusiasm.

Reference: Stylianos A. Tsilioukas et, al. Dark energy from topology change induced by microscopic Gauss-Bonnet wormholes. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.109.084010


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