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HomePhysicsGeneral PhysicsScientists suggest a new method to break the Laws of Physics

Scientists suggest a new method to break the Laws of Physics

In the search for new particles and forces in nature, physicists are on the hunt for behaviors within atoms and molecules that are forbidden by the tried-and-true Standard Model of particle physics. Any deviations from this model could indicate what physicists affectionately refer to as “new physics.”

Caltech assistant professor of physics Nick Hutzler and his group are in pursuit of specific kinds of deviations that would help solve the mystery of why there is so much matter in our universe. When our universe was born about 14 billion years ago, matter and its partner, antimatter, are believed to have existed in equal measure.

Typically, matter and antimatter cancel each other out, but some kind of asymmetry existed between the different types of particles to cause matter to win out over antimatter. Hutzler’s group uses tabletop experiments to look for symmetry violations—the deviant particle behaviors that led to our lopsided matter-dominated universe.

Now, reporting in Physical Review Letters, the team, led by Chi Zhang, the David and Ellen Lee Postdoctoral Scholar Research Associate in Physics at Caltech, has figured out a way to improve their studies by using entanglement, a phenomenon in quantum physics whereby two remote particles can remain connected even without being in direct contact. The study is titled “Quantum-Enhanced Metrology for Molecular Symmetry Violation using Decoherence-Free Subspaces.”

In this case, the researchers developed a new method for entangling arrays of molecules, which serve as probes for measuring the symmetry violations. By entangling the molecules, the arrays become less sensitive to background noise that can interfere with the experiment and more sensitive to the desired signal.

“It’s like anchoring a bunch of rubber duckies together,” Hutzler says. “If you wanted to measure the movement of the duckies across a tub, they would be less sensitive to the background noise of splashing water if you connected them altogether. And they’d be more sensitive to something you may want measure like the flow of a current since they would all respond to it collectively.”

“We want to be sensitive to the structure of the molecules,” Zhang says. “Uncontrolled electric and magnetic fields from the experimental setup get in the way of our measurements, but now we have a new protocol for entangling the molecules in such a way to make them less sensitive to the noise.”

More specifically, this new method can be used to look for tiny tilts in electrons that may occur in response to electric fields within the molecules. “The slight rotations would indicate electrons or nuclear spins are interacting with electric fields, and that’s forbidden according to the Standard Model,” Hutzler says.

“Other approaches that use entanglement would typically increase sensitivity to noise,” he adds. “Chi has figured out a way to reduce the noise while still giving us a sensitivity gain from entanglement.”

A different recent experimental study published in Science, led by Hutzler and John M. Doyle of Harvard University, showed that the polyatomic molecules used in these kinds of studies have other unique abilities to shield themselves from electromagnetic noise, though without the sensitivity boost from entanglement.

In that study, the researchers showed they can tune the molecule’s sensitivity to external fields and in fact make the sensitivity vanish, thereby rendering the molecules largely immune to noise.

“With the advantages of entanglement, researchers can push these experiments to probe increasingly exotic sectors of new physics,” Hutzler says.


Chi Zhang et al, Quantum-Enhanced Metrology for Molecular Symmetry Violation Using Decoherence-Free Subspaces, Physical Review Letters (2023). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.193602

Loïc Anderegg et al, Quantum control of trapped polyatomic molecules for eEDM searches, Science (2023). DOI: 10.1126/science.adg8155



    Marcus Hardin..revealed GRAVITY’S CAUSE

    Both Newton and Einstein explained the results of gravity, and Coulomb explained the results of electrostatic attraction but not it’s cause. Gravity and electrostatic attraction are one and the same thing. They are caused by the very same thing and are exactly the same, not just similar. The answer to the cause for gravity has been looking mankind in the face since the first person rubbed a glass rod with rabbit fur and attracted small bits of paper. By rubbing the glass rod with rabbit fur, electrons are transferred from the fur to the surface of the glass rod, by a process called the Triboelectric effect. A concentration of electrons on the surface of the glass rod produces a negative charge, which attracts the less negatively charged bits of paper. For this attraction to happen, there has to be some unseen mechanism causing it. What is a negative charge, and why does it “attract”? That is a question that has never been answered….until now.

    The unseen reason in both electrostatic attraction and gravity, is a nearly empty space, that is evacuated at the center of every electron in the universe. The electrons structure causes it to act as a mini-turbine that reduces pressure and thins-out a small region in the UNIVERSAL DYNAMIC ETHER FIELD at it’s very center.

    The Universal Dynamic Ether is composed of ever-moving individual energy packets. The energy packets are many millions of times smaller than a photon. Everything in the Universe is made of, and powered by these ever moving pixels of energy. These universal pixels of energy are in constant motion, always moving in some random direction or the other at the speed of light.

    Universal energy packets are extremely elastic and occupy a finite volume of space but have no particular shape. The random movements of the energy packets that everything is made of, guarantees that over time, every possible combination and pattern will be spontaneously created, only to fall apart and be absorbed into the overall matrix. Electrons are stable configurations that once spontaneously formed remain in that form until some force breaks them apart. An electron’s structure is organized around a light wave traveling in a circle.

    The constant movement of the Universal Dynamic Ether field of energy creates a pressure that is exerted on everything including ether energy pixels themselves. It also creates an equilibrium in the fabric of space. These randomly moving energy packets press in to fill the nearly empty region at each electrons center as if it were a “MINI-BLACK HOLE” and in doing so they are caught-up-in and become a part-of the electrons structure. An electron’s light wave spirals as it travels around in a closed circle creating a turbine like effect in the Universal Dynamic Ether. This causes an extreme low pressure in the energy field at its center. Energy pixels in the immediate atmosphere surrounding the electron’s circular traveling light wave are caused to be displaced and can be detected as photons. This wave was created when a light wave encountered a pattern of energy pixels that caused it to be bent into a closed circle. Electrons are energy concentrators and energy/matter converters. The lowest pressure that the law of the universe allows, is at the very heart of every electron.

    Electrons do not run on their own energy, but energy from the Universal Dynamic Ether. While attempting to fill the low pressure void at electrons centers, pixels of energy are caught up in and become a part of the electrons organized structure. This continual energy inflow powers electrons as perpetual motion machines and creates electrostatic attraction and gravity in the process.

    The structure of Electrons causes them to be in perfect harmony and resonate with the universe making electrons ENERGY / MATTER CONVERTERS. Electrons are the smallest particles that can rightfully be called matter and they are the interface between the raw energy of the universe and matter. This continual inflow of energy is biased toward electrons centers from every direction, and is the CAUSE FOR GRAVITY The Universal Dynamic Ether field (space) around matter is warped and a pressure gradient is formed that is biased toward the center of each individual electron contained in it. The exact same gravity “attracts” when electrons are concentrated in one place as with a charged glass rod. Electrons are negative in that there is a void at their centers that the positive pressure exerted by the Universal Dynamic Ether presses in to fill. An abundance of electrons is a negative charge, and a lesser number of electrons, a “positive” charge.

    Michelson and Morely proved that there definitely is not a static ether but they were seeking the wrong thing. There is no “static” ether but there is a “dynamic ether” composed of individual energy units that make up and power everything in the universe. These energy units are constantly moving about at the speed of light, changing directions while moving in some random direction or the other. In effect, the fabric of space is simultaneously moving in every direction at once with each energy unit randomly moving independently but affected by the overall movement of other energy units. This continuous random movement of individual Universal Dynamic Ether energy packets creates an overall equilibrium in the fabric of space. Movement in space by anything takes time and space itself is in continuous motion. This continual random movement in space by the basic energy units that everything, including space itself, is made of, is the CAUSE FOR TIME. The basic units that everything in the universe is made of and powered by are in constant motion and nothing is ever in exactly the same place relative to the rest of the universe, for any measurable length of time. Electrons make up everything material and are themselves made of and powered by this ever moving universal energy. Electrons are the interface between the raw energy of the universe and matter.

    In any volume of space, at any instant in time there are as many individual units of energy moving in any one direction as there are in any other direction. It may yet to be discovered that at any instant in time a percentage (0.00729927) (1/137th) of the total energy packets distributed in any volume of space, will simultaneously be going in the exact same direction. Random chaos would be a proper term to use in explaining the random movement of the universal energy packets, whether they are caught up in the configuration of of electrons, or in “ empty space”. Energy units perpetually move about in some direction or the other at the speed of light and cannot be forced to move faster. When a body of matter is accelerated in some direction or the other, that acceleration attempts to cause a percentage of the energy units that matter is made of, and that happens to be moving in that direction at that instant, to exceed the speed of light, resulting in resistance called inertia. At any instant in time, some percentage of the energy pixels in any volume of space, are moving in the direction acceleration is attempted, so no matter what direction acceleration is attempted, there will be resistance called inertia. Isaac Newton defined the results of inertia, not it’s cause. Einstein precisely described the results of gravity and it’s effect on space but not it’s cause. That is like saying the sky is blue but not why the sky is blue.
    Everything runs on the power of the Universal Dynamic Ether….Marcus Hardin

    Marcus Hardin. discovered the cause for Gravity

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